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Replacing the air filter
BMW Garage Racer Services provides a full range of services for BMW and Mini. We offer technical inspections, mechanical and electrical repairs and computer diagnostics. Our team of qualified mechanics ensures the highest quality of service, using modern tools and technologies. Trust the experts and provide your vehicle with the best care.
For owners of BMW and MINI cars
The air filter protects the engine from dust particles which, if swallowed, can significantly shorten the engine's life. Therefore, replacing the air filter in your BMW is a regular operation that should not be neglected if you want to avoid engine problems.

Signs that your BMW air filter needs to be replaced:

Increased CO2 content in exhaust gases.
Loss of power and increased fuel consumption.
Please remember that the air filter wears out completely over time. It is not possible to blow out or wash the old filter and put it back in its place. Savings in this case will be minimal, but engine problems may be serious because clean air is needed for its proper operation, just like fuel or oil.
Don't put off the replacement for tomorrow - call and come to our service center today and we will quickly replace the air filter in your BMW at the best price.
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